"DO NOT STOP WALKING…" - m.e. santiso

22 May 201419 June 2014

An everyday, seemingly bland and trivial fact that is repeated every day, even on several occasions, becomes the trigger for the most intrinsic, visceral and intense feelings that we can conceive ... an inconsequential gesture such as picking up a phone is taken as the common thread of this. It shows, then, what in appearance looks like a simple call, once it is finished it is able to delve into the artist until it refutes her foundations of past, present and future. But whatever she hears ... María remains faithful to her maxim ... "don't stop walking."

Graphite is responsible for presenting us with those impetuous emotions that emerge like a wild puff after hanging the earphone ... pain, relief, vertigo, joy, excitement, despair, fear, emptiness, overwhelm, shame, impotence ... Firm lines that hide behind strings intertwined with subtlety and elegance, as if Arachne herself had wanted to be a participant in the work ... leaving an aura of mystery, granting the power of three-dimensionality, respectful to the point of enveloping the dialogue that the viewer establishes with the close-ups without hindering it.

m.e.santiso maintains in these new works the protagonism of the female figure, a faithful and constant element in his work, an icon to which he gives the great responsibility of being the emissary of emotions.

Text signed by MasauR